SQLite3 Database Browser


https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-cygubkcl3m4ou https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-fth56eilfbdg2

Usage Instructions

Before you start to access the system, please ensure the Status Checks of the instance in the AWS Console turns to 2/2 checks passed, or the initialization process might be interrupted and the software configuration fails. It takes about 3-5 mins.

1. Xrdp Server Connection

The XRDP backend is supported by the Remote Desktop Client built into Windows computers.

Step 1: Press Win+R simultaneously on the keyboard, type "mstsc," and the system will search for the Remote Desktop Connection tool.


Step 2: Enter the public IP of the server and click [Connect].


Step 3: If prompted, click [Yes] to proceed.

Step 4: In the XRDP dialog box, enter the admin account and password for the server: 8 characters after the instance ID.

For example:
instance ID = i-0e142bd9e020bbf3a
username: admin or ubuntu
password: 020bbf3a


Step 5: After a successful login, you will be able to see the xfce Desktop.


Step 6: After a successful login, you will be able to see the gnome Desktop.


Step 7: Click on the desktop DB Browser for SQLite software.


By default, xrdp uses a self-signed TLS certificate to encrypt remote desktop sessions. Neither AWS nor the xrdp maintainers recommend using self-signed certificates in production. Instead, obtain a certificate from an appropriate certificate authority (CA) and install it on your instances. For more information about TLS configuration, see TLS security layer on the xrdp wiki.

Install the certificate and key.
If you already have a certificate and key, copy them to the /etc/xrdp/ directory as follows:
- Certificate — /etc/xrdp/cert.pem
- Key — /etc/xrdp/key.pem
If you do not have a certificate and key, use the following command to generate them in the /etc/xrdp directory.
- sudo openssl req -x509 -sha384 -newkey rsa:3072 -nodes -keyout /etc/xrdp/key.pem -out /etc/xrdp/cert.pem -days 365

2. Sqltie

Visual access: Click on the desktop DB Browser for SQLite software to access or create a slqite database.

Programming interaction: Interacting with databases via programming languages such as Java, Python, Lua, PHP, Ruby, C++, and others provide interfaces (or "bindings") to SQLite.

More detailed tutorial, refer to the official documentation at https://www.sqlite.org/docs.html

3. SSH Server Connection

Username: admin or ubuntu
Password: 8 characters after the instance ID

- Start xrdp service: `sudo service xrdp start`
- Restart xrdp service: `sudo service xrdp restart`
- Stop xrdp service: `sudo systemctl stop xrdp`
- Check xrdp service status: `sudo service xrdp status`