Redmine_Gitlab_Testlink_Jenkins on Ubuntu22.04 with support by Fleximg


Usage Instructions

1. The default startup of gitalab, redmine, testlink, and jenkins services requires a minimum hardware configuration of 2Core and 8GB.
2. Manually disable the gitalab service and enable redmine, testlink, and jenkins services. The minimum hardware configuration is 2Core and 4G.

1. GitLab

Access the GitLab web interface at http://{your-host-ip}:8092/

Note: After bootup, it will take 3 minutes to access the gitlab Web page normally or '502' error will appear.Because multiple components of gitlab background run at the same time, it needs to wait for the component to start.

1: Initial login to GitLab:
The initial administrator account for GitLab is "root,"and the initial password is stored in the temporary file "/etc/gitlab/initial_root_password." This file will be automatically deleted 24 hours after the first execution ofsudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
After logging in, you should change the password.
2: Start the GitLab service with the following command:
- sudo gitlab-ctl start
3: Reconfigure GitLab using the following command:
- sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
4: Restart the GitLab service with the following command:
- sudo gitlab-ctl restart
5: Stop the GitLab service using the following command:
- sudo gitlab-ctl stop
6: Enable GitLab to start on boot:
- sudo systemctl enable gitlab-runsvdir.service
7: Example of changing the root user's password:
Change directory
- cd /opt/gitlab/bin/
Open the console - sudo gitlab-rails console -e production
Query user account information and assign it to 'u'
Set the root password
Confirm the password
Save the information (note the exclamation mark)!
8: Command to modify GitLab configuration:
- sudo vi /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
Mainly modify configuration information such as IP, port, cache, memory usage, CPU cores, time zone, etc.

Access the TestLink web interface at http://{your-host-ip}/testlink
Username: admin Password: admin

1: Apache2 related commands:
- sudo systemctl start/restart/stop apache2.service
2: MySQL related commands:
- sudo service mysql start/stop/status/restart
3: Administrator login to MySQL, password: Fleximg!123
- sudo mysql -u root -p
4: Modify related configurations, such as configuring email services, security alerts, language display, etc., with the following command:
- sudo vi /var/www/html/testlink/
5: Optimize PHP configuration for TestLink's best performance based on your actual situation:
- sudo vi /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini
6: Check port usage:
- sudo netstat -nltp

3. redmine

To log in to the web interface, go to http://{your-host-ip}:30010
Use the following credentials to sign in:
Username: admin Password: admin

1: To manually start the Redmine service, run the following command:
- sudo bundle exec rails server -e production -b -p 30010
2: To check if Ruby is running, use the following command:
- ps aux | grep ruby
3: To stop the Redmine service, use the following command:
- sudo kill -9 [PID]

4. Jenkins

Access the Jenkins web interface at http://{your-host-ip}:8080/

1: Initial login password:
- cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
2: Check the Jenkins running status with the following command:
- sudo systemctl status jenkins
3: Start Jenkins using the following command:
- sudo systemctl start jenkins
4: Stop Jenkins using the following command:
- sudo systemctl stop jenkins

5. Detailed user guide

Refer to the official course: