Utilizing the LEMP stack and Webmin on Debian 12



Usage Instructions

Please replace the instance ID with the actual instance ID of your running EC2 instance, and the Public IP your actual public DNS address.

1.Log in to webmin


Username: root, password: instance ID.


2.Detailed user guide

Refer to the official course: https://webmin.com/docs/

3.Configuring the WEB Server

3.1.Configuring Nginx

Access path: Servers -> NginX Web Server


3.2.Optimize php performance

Access path: Search -> php



3.3.Configuring mysql

Access path: Servers -> MySQL Database Server
You can use webmin to manage mysql, create users, and configure permissions.
Username: root, password: Fleximg!123


3.4.Configuring ssl_certificate

Access path: webmin->webmin configuration->ssl Encryption


3.4.Related commands
- To check php8.2-fpm status: `sudo systemctl status php8.2-fpm`
- To start php8.2-fpm: `sudo systemctl start php8.2-fpm`
- To stop php8.2-fpm: `sudo systemctl stop php8.2-fpm`
- To restart php8.2-fpm: `sudo systemctl restart php8.2-fpm`

- To check nginx status: `sudo systemctl status nginx`
- To start nginx: `sudo systemctl start nginx`
- To stop nginx: `sudo systemctl stop nginx`
- To restart nginx: `sudo systemctl restart nginx`

- To check mysql status: `sudo systemctl status mysql`
- To start mysql: `sudo systemctl start mysql`
- To stop mysql: `sudo systemctl stop mysql`
- To restart mysql: `sudo systemctl restart mysql`

- To check Webmin status: `sudo service webmin status`
- To start Webmin: `sudo service webmin start`
- To stop Webmin: `sudo service webmin stop`
- To restart Webmin: `sudo service webmin restart`

4.Visit your web homepage
